
Sounding-Board Coaching

Day to day life in an organization can be maddeningly complex.

Smart and ambitious people collaborate effectively on one project, then conflict endlessly in the next. Competing goals can be exciting, until the lack of resolution brings everyone down to dull complacency.

What’s more, next to no one listens. There are far too many urgent items on everyone’s task list — of which each of us is reminded endlessly by our hand-held device.

My job in life is to listen.

  • Sometimes, I listen to simply absorb what you are saying.
  • Sometimes, I listen to reframe what I hear in metaphors — so you know even better what you said.
  • Sometimes, I listen by asking potent, unexpected questions that require you to summon the courage to answer.

My bottom line expectation is that we all have the answers we are looking for inside. If I listen and listen well, your mind will unwrap its treasure and you will see what was hidden before you met with me.

Are you ready to hear yourself clearly?

Let’s start with a conversation.

Call Perry at 617.989.9990 or email